
Climate Adaptation Review for the Sisian-Kajaran (North-South Corridor) Road Project - Feasibility Study

Climate risk and vulnerability assessment of a road section running through the Caucasus Minor in Armenia

Climate Adaptation Review for the Sisian-Kajaran (North-South Corridor) Road Project - Feasibility Study

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) commissioned the consultants BERNARD Gruppe in joint venture with iC consulenten to carry out due diligence on the feasibility study and detailed design of the Sisian-Kajaran Road, which forms part of Tranche 4 of the North-South Corridor in Armenia. alpS is supporting the consultants with a detailed climate adaptation review. The 60 km long highway is located in a particularly challenging context with regards to climate change impacts. The occurrence of natural hazards (e.g., floods, extreme heat, gravitational mass movements) along the proposed road alignment is already high and will be most likely further exacerbated in the future. alpS performed a climate adaptation review in accordance with the EBRD Green Economic Transition (GET) handbook. This approach to climate change adaptation activities consists of 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Set out climate vulnerability context
  • Step 2: Make an explicit statement of intent to address climate vulnerability
  • Step 3: Articulate a clear and direct link between the climate vulnerability context and the specific project activities
  • Step 4: Estimate GET adaptation finance
05/2022 - 12/2023
Water & Climate
+43 512 392929-0